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The Ups and Downs


I just can't believe another year has has flown by! As with any start-up, we have had our ups and we have had our downs. I truly believe that most of the battle is just continuing to get back up again when you fall, adding a big dollop of problem-solving and a splash of heart.


Some of the challenges this year, CAPACITY: All year we were making croissants and sourdough at max capacity and still selling out and disappointing our guests. REGULATORY: On Oct 27th, we were required to close, pending completion of a kitchen renovation, and Jenny and I experienced one of our toughest days yet when we let go 27 of our team members (and made sure they all landed safely).


I'm proud of what our team has been able to accomplish this year. With our October closure, we ended up being closed 21% of the year but were still able to grow our sales 37% over last year. The closure ate up our $175k net profits for the year, but I am stoked that this year we proved a path to profitability. And while we've been closed, our IZOLA CORE team has tested over one hundred new, original recipes. And let me tell you friends, there is some amazing food headed your way.


Jenny and I focused on both the current guest experience and prepared for the future - ensuring our guests continue to be delighted by our service and food while putting the necessary pieces in place to scale. We launched a new workforce management system and found our key partners for the IZOLA Main build, including the manufacturer of our croissant production equipment, sourdough equipment, material handling, and MES (Manufacturing Equipment System) software.


THANK YOU to each one of you for inviting IZOLA into your lives. We appreciate each guest who has shared with us when they are delighted and even more so when they are disappointed by their experience so that we have the opportunity to do better. And to each IZOLA team member who provides feedback on how we can improve IZOLA, making it a rewarding place to work, and to our friends and families who support us every step of the way, even as we sacrifice our time with them to push IZOLA forward.


We wish you and yours a very happy new year!



Jeffrey and Jenny




I know we've been coming at ya for over a year now with our equity raise...our plans are bold as we expand our disruption of the American bakery experience. Join us tomorrow January 3rd at 7p on Google Meet to learn about how we're utilizing the funds raised to scale our justice-based mission and bring great-tasting, high-quality croissants, sourdough, and delight throughout San Diego County (and possibly beyond!).


This equity raise will close on February 29th, so if you've considered investing, now is the time.

*Please only invest an amount you would feel comfortable losing. Investing in private businesses involves risk. Though potential returns are designed to reflect that risk, there is a possibility that you will lose your entire investment.


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